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Why the name INUKSHUK??

This is the first INUKSHUK 
that Angie & Jon created.
It then became the model 
Angie used for the LOGO.

Our first Inukshuk

We often get asked how we came up with our company name of : Inukshuk Alpaca Menagerie 

Long ago when Jon and I were contemplating the name for our business, we certainly wanted something that would express the magnitude of our decision to leave all that we knew and take on this new challenge!

Jon was introduced to inukshuk many years ago, while he was fishing in Canada.   The history of inuksuit (inukshuk) was explained to him as a symbol used by the Inuit people in the vast Canadian Artic.  It was understood as a milestone or directional marker signally reassurance to passerbys that "You are on the right path". 

We felt we found an inspiration for our company & logo.


What is an INUKSHUK?
What is an INUKSHUK?

in*uk*shuk : i-nook-SHook

a symbol of hope and guidance to recognize that when united in faith, love and friendship, there is great ability to succeed.  Together, in unity, achieve strength to follow the right path, according to God's plan

What is an INUKSHUK?


What is an INUKSHUK?
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